The end of February is marked by many European countries as the carnival season, and since kids are off school, the family and myself decided to take a trip to the capital of Austria - Vienna. The highlight for my son was when we visited the gardens of Schönbrunn and it's neighboring zoo.
Schönbrunn is one of Europe's most famous zoo's, as it is surrounded by unique Baroque architecture, with the palace always looming in the background. Not only is it very well structured, but the animal enclosures are quite big and spacious. When we finally returned home, my son would not stop mentioning the trip to the zoo, and since I had not played the game as yet, we decided to give Planet Zoo a go, and sculpt our most memorable moments as a full fledged zoo within the game.
Since I didn't' play Planet Coaster much, I found the controls and the system of building enclosures a bit tedious. The game does offer pre-built blueprints but I personally think that if I had to just use blueprints I would miss out on the most gorgeous feature within this game - the huge customization options available.
In Planet Zoo you need to manage all aspects of running your own zoo, from visitor happiness and education, to the well being of your animals. You can play in Sandbox mode and do whatever you want without any financial constraints, or you can play in Franchise mode, where you trade animals with other players and research all additional scenery and utilities, as well as handle medical research. I opted to play in Franchise mode, which indirectly introduces you to the different content slowly, by unlocking it all through research. We do strongly suggest you play the tutorial and campaign as it not only gives you some great ideas on how to build suitable enclosures, but also teaches you how to efficiently use the game's interface and controls.
Like any other tycoon game, you start with only the entrance to your zoo. You need to place paths, design the enclosures for your animals, and place facilities for your guests, such as info kiosks, bars, food stalls, souvenirs, etc. I love the fact that you can click on any visitor, view the zoo from their own eyes, and even see what they like about your zoo, and what they hated. The detail is just astounding, from placing electrical generators and water treatment facilities in plain site annoying visitors, to something as simple as their bathroom needs being an issue.